
COVID-19 presents opportunity to rethink agricultural knowledge exchange

COVID-19 has disrupted the normal way information and advice is shared and accessed in the Agricultural Knowledge and Innovation System (AKIS); it has also brought new opportunities for the use of…

YEN Family at Groundswell

Find out more about the YEN Family in the AHDB tent at Groundswell on 23 & 24 June.

Daniel Kindred and Sarah Kendall will be on hand over the…

Study published into the impacts of COVID19 on Knowledge Exchange

As part of our Farm-PEP Innovate UK project we have now completed a rapid appraisal of the impacts of Covid-19 on knowledge exchange…

Farm-PEP: Impact of Covid-19 on Knowledge Exchange - Survey, Interviews & Workshop Reports

As part of our Farm-PEP Innovate UK project we conducted a rapid appraisal of the impact of the Covid-19 disruption on the delivery and future of knowledge exchange…

YEN Dynamic Benchmarking ready for testing

We've now come to the end of our six month Innovate UK project to develop better data exchange and 'Dynamic Benchmarking' for the YEN family.

We've achieved a lot:

  • We've added…

Farm-PEP Survey launched and registration for first workshop open

Covid-19 has transformed the way that we share knowledge over the past year. As part of our Innovate UK Farm-PEP project with University of…

Farm-PEP workshop: lessons from CV19 impact on Knowledge Exchange

As part of our Farm-PEP Innovate UK project, Agri-techE is hosting this online workshop to explore the impacts of Covid-19 on how farmers…

ADAS successful in securing Innovate UK funding to develop YEN and a new knowledge exchange platform

ADAS has recently been successful with Innovate UK funding to pursue two exciting new projects to develop digital solutions to support and expand knowledge exchange between…

Crop GHG emissions and yield

Read about the relationship between greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and high crop yields in this…