Forage YEN

The Grass Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) has been running for three years. In 2021, we are expanding Grass YEN to include maize and whole cropped cereals that are used for both livestock feed and energy production, rebranding as Forage YEN.

Forage YEN aims to gain a better understanding of yield formation of forage crops and to identify the key factors constraining yields.

Homegrown forage and energy crops can provide economic, high-quality feedstocks, yet yields achieved on-farm are often less than half of the potential. We want to bridge this gap by developing a better understanding of how to increase productivity.

The competition will be judged on the biomass yield (kg/ha) and the energy yield (MJ of ME per ha) ideally over two cuts of grass silage or one cut of maize or whole crop cereals. This will be compared against the estimated potential yield for your field and its environment.

To ensure the competitors are judged on a fair basis, the grass yield will be expressed as a percentage of the potential yield as well as on an absolute basis (t/ha and MJ/ha). 

Annual Forage YEN membership

Membership is open and available to anyone; farmers, agronomists, and researchers.

Membership benefits include:

  • One entry into the annual Forage YEN competition 
  • One NRM Soil Health Check 
  • NRM crop/grain laboratory analysis of your sample
  • A comprehensive post-harvest report with analysis of the crop and causes of performance shortfalls.
  • Regular Forage YEN newsletters
  • Access to new research, and industry/farming contacts to develop new ideas
  • National recognition for highest energy yields and percentage of potential yield attained. 
  • Attendance at the Annual Forage YEN Conference

Membership Fees

  • Individual UK based farmers can enter one field entry of grass/clover (two cuts) for £500+VAT. For maize or whole crop silage, one field entry is £300+VAT. 
    • If you are interested in receiving corporate sponsorship to cover the cost of your entry, we may be able to match you with a sponsor (limited spaces available). Contact for more information..


Corporate Sponsors support the network to maintain its core activities. Their vital role is recognised in all YEN publicity, media items, conference presentations, and on this website.

Corporate sponsorship of Forage YEN is £5,000+VAT per year which includes:

  • Five grower entries
  • Access to the YEN member network
  • Position on steering group
  • Profile in national press

For any price enquiries, please contact or contact the Forage YEN Project Manager.

Key Dates
Deadline for free NRM Soil Health analysis
Competition entry deadline


YEN is Growing!

YEN is Growing!

AUTHOR: Dhaval Patel -
TAGS: Cereal YEN, Bean YEN, Oilseed YEN, YEN Zero, Forage YEN

The power and value of YEN networks depend on their numbers of participants and the data that they share.  YEN networks collectively now have over 2,800 yields in their joint database, and… more

Sponsors and funders