Oilseed YEN

Oilseed YEN

The Oilseed YEN network is striving to help the whole industry to successfully grow Oilseed rape (OSR) and Linseed from start to finish – providing a better…

Sponsored places still available for Oilseed YEN 2022!

Looking to understand your Oilseed Rape crop’s performance in detail? – there is still time to enter Oilseed YEN for 2022 and make the most of joining up with other like-minded…

Assessment of Soil Texture

Assessment of Soil Texture

Linseed_Oilseed YEN 2022 - Entry Progress Sheet

Linseed_Oilseed YEN 2022 - Entry Progress Sheet

OSR_Oilseed YEN 2022 - Entry Progress Sheet

OSR_Oilseed YEN 2022 - Entry Progress Sheet

Oilseed YEN 2021 - Example OSR Report

Oilseed YEN 2021 - Example Oilseed Report

Cereal and oilseed high achievers honoured at this year’s Yield Enhancement Awards at Croptec

Despite an average growing year for most crops, many growers managed to go above and beyond their predicted max yields, with Lincolnshire grower Tim Lamyman taking the top spots for his wheat…

Oilseed YEN Technical webinar

Exclusive to YEN members, this webinar will go through the learnings from YEN in 2021 and from the past 8 years, giving entrants the chance to go through and share the findings from your Report…

YEN Awards 2021

The YEN Awards at The CropTec Show

24th November 2021

For only the second time ever, the Cereal and Oilseed Yield Enhancement Network (YEN) Awards are open to…

YEN Nutrition explained in Yara's podcast

Listen to Ken Rundle interview me about how YEN began ... and how YEN Nutrition works ... and why I refuse to retire! .. here https://www.yara.co.uk/crop-nutrition/agronomy-advice/podcasts/